Sunday, August 10, 2008

Leaving St. Louis Children's Hospital

Yesterday was my last day at Children's (for a while at least .......), my last commute to the big BJC complex, my last ride on the shuttle bus, my last day treating kids in the 12W gym and on the 4th floor, my last professional interactions with other staff,.... It feels strange after 7 years. I don't feel like I am leaving, I really just feel like I'm going on an exciting long travel-vacation and I'll be back to do what I feel I've always done..... I'm sure my perception will change as my travels take shape.
I feel extremely fortunate to be in a profession where I am able to help families and children through a rough time in their lives, in a relately minor temporary illness or a life altering event that will stay with them forever. It is great to feel like somehow I did make a difference. I have met some wonderful families, some just for a few days or weeks, others I have been involved in their lives for years. It makes me smile to see the resilience in the children and their families, the way they progress, create and continue to pave their own path in life.

I am not sad, nervous or anxious about leaving and moving on. I've had the nicest sent-off from Therapy services, so many 'Best Wishes'- cards and gifts, 2 farewell parties with great turn-out of people, an ipod loaded with great travel music, a nicely served breakfast for rehab-rounds on Friday and more hugs than I could possibly count. One gift especially stands out and I'm posting the pictures below. How creatively made for a chocolate and candy-lover!!

A big THANK YOU to everybody that crossed my path at SLCH!!

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